Neurodiagnostic research is suitable to research the different elements of the marketing mix of brands and products. It can be applied to develop stimuli (early stages of development as well as finalising) or to post test and optimise existing material. So far, we have successfully applied EVALUATE in communication development and pre-testing (narrative tapes, commercials, radio spots, print…

A second interesting example is that of Cup a Soup. The EVALUATE research we did for a Cup a Soup commercial showed that the commercial communicated the main message and emotion of the brand quite well, with exception of the last ten seconds. In fact, these last ten seconds were too much and even counterproductive.…

We have successfully used EVALUATE to pre-test communication concepts. Using a “narrative story” we pre-tested a commercial for the funeral insurer, DELA. The insights we identified through the EVALUATE approach generated decisive recommendations that helped to make selections for further execution and improve the effectiveness of their campaign. The key objective of the research was…